Leaves and Schemes
Maze Game
5 Games Showcasing my Personal Work
Made With Unity
This is a game I created for the 2022 Brackey's Game Jam on The theme was something along the lines of, "things are not what they appear to be." Using the Japanese mythology of the tanuki as inspiration, my friends and I created a short little game where you play as a tanuki scamming people out of their money by creating objects out of leaves.
Role: Writer, Programmer
This is a game I created and worked on sophomore year of college, and later polished up a later spring of 2020. Inspired by Shin Megami Tensei, the player would navigate a first-person maze with a set amount of flashlight battery. Should the battery deplete, you lose. Reach the end of the maze, you win! Tyler Lyndon and I both put in a lot of effort programming the game, although he focused more on the level's design, while I made the mechanics.
Play it here on Windows!
Role: Director, Lead Programmer
Hand of the Exorcist
Tire Boy
This is a game concept I came up with senior year of university. The idea was a rogue-like dungeon crawler where you could pick the next room of the dungeon. In fourteen weeks, my team came up with this. I was the sole artist on this team, while Edward Maher was lead programmer, and Joseph Powell was level design and UI.
Play it here on!
Role: Director, Lead Artist
This is the very first game I ever made. Even now, four years later, I'm still extremely proud of it. I also learned a lot from it programming-wise. In this game, you play as a little robot trying to collect gears and avoid wrenches. As you collect more gears, more wrenches spawn.